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The Selfless Savior

Trinity is the epitome of support in warframe, sacrificing damage and utility for obscene supportive capabilities. Trinity is by far the strongest raw support character in warframe. If you're a player that prefers filling a fully supportive role, Trinity is the warframe for you. With access to massive teamwide damage reduction, instant healing, and infinite energy for your whole team, Trinity is everything that you could ever want out of a support warframe. Also worth mentioning is her extreme durability. Trinity leverages massive amounts of damage reduction for herself and all allies to become one of the most durable characters in the whole game. Due to the nature of her abilities, Trinity's only way of dealing damage is with her weapons. And with no ways to increase her weapon damage, Trinity is one of the lowest damage warframes in the game. What she lacks in damage, however, she makes up for with literally everything else. A Trinity is every Warframe player's favourite character to see on their team. If you're a player looking for a supportive gameplay style, I would highly recommend Trinity. 

prerequisite: pluto unlocked

How to obtain: Farm the ambulas boss fight on pluto

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

150 Alloy Plate

1 Neural Sensors

150 Polymer Bundle

500 Rubedo

1 Morphics

1000 Ferrite

300 Rubedo

1 Control Module

1 Morphics

500 Salvage

220 Plastids

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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