
The Many Adventures of a Wayward Tenno

On this page, you will find all of the quests in Warframe. Before proceeding, it's worth knowing that Warframe's quests are split up into 2 categories: main quests, and side quests. Main quests are absolutely required to be played in a specific order, and tell an overarching story when combined. Side quests, on the other hand, tell smaller stories that are usually unrelated to the main sequence of quests. These quests can be played whenever you see fit and in whatever order, or not played at all if you so please. Below you'll find the advised order to play the main quests, the prerequisites to unlock each, and how to start them. Follow this path, and you'll be cruising through the story like a pro.

Prerequisites: None
How to Start: Starts automatically

vor's prize
Prerequisites: "Awakening" quest completed
How to Start: Starts automatically

saya's vigil
Prerequisites: "Vor's Prize" quest completed
How to Start: Talk to Konzu in Cetus on Earth

vox solaris
Prerequisites: Venus junction completed
How to Start: Talk to Eudico in Fortuna on Venus

once awake
Prerequisites: Mercury junction completed
How to Start: Accept quest in the codex

heart of deimos
Prerequisites: Mars junction completed
How to Start: Accept quest in the codex

the war within
Prerequisites: "The Second Dream" quest completed + Sedna junction completed
How to Start: Accept quest in codex

rising tide
Prerequisites: "The Second Dream" quest completed
How to Start: Railjack cephalon crafted and installed at the dry dock

the second dream
Prerequisites: "Natah" quest completed + Neptune junction completed
How to Start: Accept quest in the codex

Prerequisites: Uranus junction + Blue drone scanned on Uranus using codex scanner
How to Start: Accept quest in the codex

the duviri paradox
Prerequisites: Uranus junction completed OR choose at start
How to Start: Accept quest in the codex

the archwing
Prerequisites: Mars junction completed
How to Start: Accept quest in codex

Prerequisites: "The War Within" quest completed + Mote amp obtained from Quill Onkko in Cetus on Earth
How to Start: Accept quest in codex

chains of harrow

Prerequisites: "Chains of Harrow" quest completed + Personal quarters segment crafted
How to Start: Enter personal quarters and interact with the Lua orb

apostasy prologue

Prerequisites: "Apostasy Prologue" quest completed
How to Start: Accept quest in codex

the sacrifice

Prerequisites: "The Sacrifice" quest completed
How to Start: Accept the 3 mini quests in sequence in the codex

prelude to war

Prerequisites: Railjack owned + Necramech owned + Mote amp (or better amp) owned + "Prelude to war" mini quest sequence completed
How to Start: Accept the quest in codex

the new war

Prerequisites: "The New War" quest completed + "Heart of Deimos" quest completed
How to Start: Open inbox and look for message from Loid, then meet him in Deimos

whispers in the wall