The Water Warrior
Hydroid manipulates the element of water to control and eliminate his foes. Hydroid's abilities hit in a large area, and deal high consistent damage. His abilities are notable for their application of the corrosive status effect, which will destroy enemy armor and increase their vulnerability to damage. Hydroid is arguably THE corrosive warframe, as his passive increases the effectiveness of the corrosive status effect across all of his weapons and abilities to a peak far beyond what any other warframe can accomplish. His abilities are immobile but hit in a massive area, making Hydroid ideal for locking down large areas with consistent damage, corrosive status, and stuns on all enemies in the area. Hydroid also has access to an extremely powerful corrosive damage buff for his weapons, and a massive armor buff for himself. This all combines to create a versatile and powerful warframe recommended for players at any level.
prerequisite: reach mastery rank 5 + unlock earth
How to obtain: farm the counselor vay hek boss on earth

150 Alloy Plate
1 Control Module
150 Polymer Bundle
2 Argon Crystal
2 Argon Crystal
1000 Polymer Bundle
300 Rubedo
1200 Nano Spores
1 Orokin Cell
4 Gallium
500 Polymer Bundle
220 Alloy Plate
All Other Parts
1 Orokin Cell