The Shieldmaiden
Harnessing the inherent power of shields, Hidryn takes to the skies and protects allies as she dishes out punishment to enemies. Hildryn is a very unique Warframe for a multitude of reasons. For one, she is the only warframe in the whole game that doesn't use energy to cast abilities. Instead, Hildryn relies on her massive shield value to cast these abilities. Speaking of her massive shield value, Hildryn's other selling point is her absolutely massive shield health pool. Her shielding capabilities are leaps and bounds better than any other warframe in the game. Combine this massive shield value with her ability to instant restore her own shields provided there are enemies around, and Hildryn is almost impossible to take down. Hildryn is a tank warframe through and through. Sprinkling in a healthy dosage of team support and area damage only solidifies Hildryn's status as one of the game's premier tank options. Hildryn is an excellent warframe that I would highly recommend to any player interested in playing a tank.
prerequisite: vox solaris quest completed + complete thermia fractures event
+ reach rank 5 with solaris united + reach rank 2 with vox solaris
How to obtain: farm the exploiter orb boss fight on venus

2 Lazulite Toroid
1 Argon Crystal
85 Mytocardia Spore
1600 Circuits
2 Lazulite Toroid
2 Nitain Extract
90 Thermal Sludge
2300 Rubedo
2 Lazulite Toroid
2 Tellurium
95 Gorgaricus Spore
1500 Plastids
All Other Parts
3 Orokin Cell