The Supeconductor
Gyre dances her way through enemies, pirouetting and twirling in a graceful manner that belies the destructive power of her artificial electricity. Gyre is a damage warframe through and through. Featuring a full suite of damaging skills for all of her ability slots, Gyre is capable of truly captivating damage in a massive area. Gyre is fairly straightforward. With many different ways of dealing high area damage, chain lightning, and energy recovery options to keep her in the fight, Gyre is a highly ability based warframe. For some players, this is exactly what they're looking for. For others, a balance of weapon gameplay and abilities is preferrable. There's no right answer here and it comes down to personal preference, but if rapidly using abilities sounds enticing, you'll love Gyre. If eradicating and electrifying groups of enemies in a flurry of ballet moves sounds like its up your alley, I would highly recommend this warframe.
prerequisite: angels of the zariman quest completed
How to obtain: farm bounties on the zariman

6 Neural Sensors
300 Thrax Plasm
60 Voidgel Orb
4500 Plastids
8 Morphics
500 Thrax Plasm
12 Entrati Lanthorn
3300 Alloy Plate
2 Argon Crystal
300 Thrax Plasm
40 Voidplume Quill
All Other Parts
3 Orokin Cell