The Bloody Empress
Garuda mutilates, tears, and gores her foes with her claws and bathes in their blood, gaining health and empowering herself as she revels in the violence. In case you couldnt tell, Garuda is a blood themed warframe. Maybe surprisingly given her theme of wanton violence, Garuda is one of the trickiest frames in the game to play. Her abilities focus on damaging large groups of enemies, and sustaining herself off of their destruction. However, unlike most warframes, dealing this damage requires many steps and a lot of preparation. This is not to say she is weak, as she is extremely strong. Her damage output is absolutely incredible, if a little slow, and she has access to unlimited ability energy when played correctly. Garuda is difficult to talk about (as you've probably gathered), and even more difficult to play. I would not reccomend this warframe to new players due to the complexity of her ability synergy; however, if you choose to pursue the path of Garuda, you will be rewarded in the long term.
prerequisite: vox solaris quest completed
How to obtain: Farm fortuna bounties

2 Vega Toroid
6 Star Amaryst
40 Axidrol Alloy
5000 Nano Spores
2 Calda Toroid
3 Radiant Zodian
40 Travocyte Alloy
2200 Alloy Plate
2 Sola Toroid
3 Marquise Thyst
40 Venerdo Alloy
2400 Polymer Bundle
All Other Parts
3500 Kuva