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The Betrayer

Kullervo is the traitorous warrior turned assassin of an ancient empire's monarch. Kullervo flexes his martial prowess through his gameplay as arguably the game's premier melee oriented warframe. With access to some of the strongest melee damage buffs in the game, extremely impressive tanking abilites, and massive area of effect damage opportunities, Kullervo is infinitely versatile and extremely powerful. Notably, Kullervo is disproportionately strong for new players due to his minimal mod demands. He can perform at extremely high levels even with minimally powerful setups in a way that almost nobody else can. Kullervo is versatile, tanky, and ruthlessly efficient. I would strongly reccomend Kullervo to all players.

prerequisite: duviri paradox quest completed

How to obtain: Purchased using kullervo's bane at the end of duviri experience completions 

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

50 Lamentus

50 Tasoma Extract

100 Saggen Pearl

100 Connla Sprout

125 Nacreous Pebble

100 Kovnik

75 Rune Marrow

100 Ueymag

100 Aggristone

100 Eevani

360 Ariette Scale

100 Ueymag

All Other Parts

10 Pathos Clamp

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