The Gemstone Medic
Citrine harnesses the inherent energy of precious gems to enhance and protect her team. Citrine is a very strong support warframe. Crucially, every single ability in Citrine's kit applies to herself as well as her entire team. The usefulness of this trait goes without saying, but combined with the inherent stength of her individual abilites, makes her a strong pick for any mission. Citrine has access to teamwide damage reduction, teamwide weapon damage buffs, teamwide healing, and teamwide critical buffs. As you can tell, Citrine is a treasure trove of useful buffs. Additionally, these buffs are all passively active at nearly all times. Citrine's abilities lean on the the prismatic effects of light on gemstone to more than double your team's damage, and make everyone nearly impossible to take down. All of this, combined with her early availability, makes her a very easy warframe to recommend to any player.
prerequisite: heart of deimos quest completed
How to obtain: farm mirror defense tyana pass on mars, or purchase from otak in
the necralisk

1000 Rubedo
1500 Salvage
15 Faceted Tiametrite
2 Argon Crystal
1200 Cryotic
3000 Alloy Plate
6 Stellated Necrathene
2000 Nano Spores
1500 Circuits
1500 Polymer Bundle
3 Gallium
2 Morphics
All Other Parts
3 Orokin Cell