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The Electric Mage

Volt harnesses the destructive power of electricity to eradicate his foes instantly in a flash of lightning. Volt is one of the 3 starter warframes, and his strength fits this position. Volt is an extremely powerful and extremely versatile warframe. With access to a deployable shield, a massive area damage ability, and a game changing speed boost, Volt is good at everything that you would ever need him to be good at. Notably, among these 3 capabilities, his speed boost stands out as one of the strongest offensive buffs in the game. By boosting his fire rate, reload speed, movement speed, and melee attacak speed, Volt can become one of the strongest offensive warframes in the game. Another notably unique aspect of Volt's ability kit is that his shield is completely invulnerable to damage, and boosts the crit damage of anything that travels through it. These aspects are wholly unique to Volt, and are just another reason why he is so powerful. I would highly recommend Volt to any player.

prerequisite: starter frame, or join a clan

How to obtain: sold at the tenno lab in your clan dojo

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

150 Alloy Plate

1 Neural Sensors

150 Polymer Bundle

500 Rubedo

1 Morphics

1000 Ferrite

300 Rubedo

1 Control Module

1 Morphics

500 Salvage

220 Plastids

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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