The Swordmaster
Excalibur is a true master of the blade. Wielding his sword with an experienced hand and ruthless efficiency, Excalibur can cleave through massive groups of enemies like butter. Excalibur is the poster boy of Warframe, and his versatility nearly matches his notoriety. Excalibur is a very high damage warframe capable of cutting down enemies extremely quickly. His abilities are all useful, but it would be better to first explain his keystone ability. With his most powerful ability, Excalibur pulls out his exalted blade. Replacing your melee weapon, the exalted blade is a sword of pure light that projects massive waves of energy with each slice. Excalibur's gameplay heavily revolves around this ability, and all of his other abilities act in service to this gameplay. With access to a movement ability, a massive area blind that allows for melee executions, and a damaging area slam, Excalibur is a strong choice for any mission. Excalibur is also one of the game's 3 starter warframes: a testament to his versatility and enjoyable gameplay. I would highly recommend Excalibur to all players. It's worth noting that all 3 starter warframes are equal in strength, so pick whoever most appeals to you
prerequisite: starter frame, or unlock mars
How to obtain: Farm the lieutenant lech kril boss on mars

150 Alloy Plate
1 Neural Sensors
150 Polymer Bundle
500 Rubedo
1 Morphics
1000 Ferrite
300 Rubedo
1 Control Module
1 Morphics
500 Salvage
220 Plastids
All Other Parts
1 Orokin Cell