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The Maestro

Octavia is the DJ of destruction, weaving music and rhythm in a harmony of violence as she grooves her way into the heart of the battlefield. Octavia is a damage frame with access to some of the strongest team support buffs in the whole game. Her damage hits in some of the largest areas of any warframe, and her weapon buffs are almost unmatched. If this sounds very powerful, its because it is. Octavia is extremely powerful, and features some of the most interesting gameplay design seen in this game. Octavia has exclusive access to a music composition interface that allows you to create the music that plays as the backdrop of your rampage. Not only this, but your abilities require you to perform actions in time with your music for buffs. This makes for a very engaging experience and, combined with her vast array of buffs and high area damage, makes her very easy to recommend to all players.

prerequisite: octavia's anthem

How to obtain: farm sabotage caches on lua + farm survival on deimos + complete the 
music puzzle on lua

Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

1000 Oxium

4800 Polymer Bundle

2600 Plastids

5 Neural Sensors

6000 Polymer Bundle

25000 Salvage

1500 Plastids

3 Neurodes

2000 Kuva

3000 Circuits

20 Morphics

5 Orokin Cell

All Other Parts

1 Mandachord

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