The Prismatic Jester
Mirage's mastery over prismatic light blends with her playful nature as she dances across the battlefield in a flurry of rainbow and crystal. Mirage is extremely powerful, and even more versatile. She has access to everything a warframe needs to be exceptionally powerful, and maybe even a little more on top of that. She has truly massive area damage, with her most significant ability hitting at some of the largest ranges in the game with minimal user input. She also has access to an extremely unique skill that produces clones to mirror your shots and actions. This functionally multiplies the number of bullets you shoot by 5. On top of all this, she has access to a massive and long lasting damage reduction ability that can be turned into an on demand damage buff at any moment. Mirage is an amazing warframe that I would highly recommend to all players.
prerequisite: hidden missages quest completed + sedna unlocked
How to obtain: complete the hidden messages quest

250 Alloy Plate
1 Neurodes
400 Polymer Bundle
1 Orokin Cell
1 Orokin Cell
2500 Ferrite
450 Plastids
1 Gallium
1 Control Module
250 Circuits
650 Polymer Bundle
1 Orokin Cell
All Other Parts
1 Argon Crystal