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The Jetstream

Zephyr is the warframe equivalent of a fighter jet, controlling air to outmaneuver and eliminate enemies at breakneck speeds. Zephyr's gameplan centers around staying in the sky, and delivering death from on high to unsuspecting enemies. Her abilities ensure this by keeping her comfortably elevated in the sky and empowering her to more swiftly eliminate enemies with weapon damage buffs. Zephyr is a very strong warframe. Most notably, she has access to very consistent crowd control that groups up enemies and deals high damage in a large area. In addition to this massive upside, Zephyr is also very durable. With access to a wind wall that blocks all incoming projectiles, Zephyr is functionally invincible barring laser weapons. Her versatility combined with her massive area control makes her very easy to recommend to all players.

prerequisite: join a clan

How to obtain: sold at the tenno lab in your clan dojo

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

150 Circuits

200 Oxium

200 Polymer Bundle

500 Salvage

200 Oxium

900 Nano Spores

50 Rubedo

1 Control Module

200 Oxium

500 Polymer Bundle

400 Plastids

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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