The Heavenly Harrier
Jade is heavily influenced by the common depiction of a biblical angel, and just as is the case with those creatures, jade is ruthless and benevolent in equal measure. Jade is a heavily supportive warframe that also leans in to an extremely high amount of area damage from on high. Spreading her wings and revealing her true form, Jade can take to the skies and rain down holy emerald light to annihilate massive groups of enemies. Despite the overwhelming power of her angelic transformation, Jade's team buffs cannot go unnoticed. Passively, and without any user input, Jade can provide game changing offensive buffs to your entire squad that no other warframe can provide. Additionally, she can passively destroy enemy armour with her holy judgement. Jade is simultaneously an extremely powerful support and damage warframe, and an extremely valuable addition to any player's arsenal of warframes. I would highly recommend this warframe.
prerequisite: jade shadows quest completed
How to obtain: farm brutus on uranus, or purchase from ordis in the drifter camp

1000 Circuits
750 Polymer Bundle
3 Neural Sensors
4 Neurodes
600 Alloy Plate
4000 Nano Spores
1500 Plastids
6 Morphics
600 Ferrite
600 Plastids
1100 Rubedo
10 Control Module
All Other Parts
3 Orokin Cell