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The Heart of the Pack

Voruna is ferocious and violent warframe who draws on the strength of her wolfpack to dismantle her enemies. Voruna is an extremely versatile warframe with access to many many different playstyles, though her most natural playstyle is very melee oriented. Despite the simplicity of this statement, Voruna is a very complex warframe. Her abilities rely heavily on a complete understanding of some of warframe's more complex weapon mechanics. This understanding will come naturally with more time in-game, but as a new player, Voruna's abilities will be very overwhelming. Additionally, her playstyle relies heavily on very specific mod setups to function with any form of efficacy. Given all of this, it's very hard to recommend Voruna to a new player. However, If her visual design pulls you and you're willing to put in some work to understand her intricacies, Voruna is extremely strong. She has massive area damage, quick movement, persistent invisibility, and unbelievable status spreading. Though I would not recommend her to new players, Voruna is very strong.

prerequisite: the war within completed

How to obtain: farm conjuc\nction survival on lua

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

20 Somatic Fibers

2500 Alloy Plate

800 Polymer Bundle

25 Lua Thrax Plasm

20 Voidgel Orb

1000 Ferrite

300 Rubedo

25 Lua Thrax Plasm

5 Nitain Extract

30 Voidgel Orb

5000 Salvage

25 Lua Thrax Plasm

All Other Parts

50 Lue Thrax Plasm

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