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The Engineer

Vauban pulls from his infinite reserves of gadgets and technology belt to control areas and swiftly eliminate enemies. A ruthless and efficient tactician, Vauban specializes in establishing an area and protecting it at all costs. With an array of damaging drones, orbital lasers, and utility as far as the eye can see, Vauban is one of the more multifaceted and unique warframes in the game. Vauban has access to a ton of different damaging abilities, as well as options to ensure enemies get hit by each and every one of them. Though all of his abilities fulfill a specific purpose, his most notable ability is his Bastille array: a massive field that suspends enemies helplessly in the air. With all of these control and utility options in addition to his massive damage potential, Vauban is a definitely a powerful warframe. I'd definitely reccomend picking up Vauban if given the opportunity.

prerequisite: nightwave at any time

How to obtain: sold in the nightwave shop

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

150 Alloy Plate

1 Neural Sensors

150 Polymer Bundle

500 Rubedo

1 Morphics

1000 Ferrite

300 Rubedo

1 Control Module

1 Morphics

500 Salvage

220 Plastids

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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