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The Plaguebearer

Saryn wields the caustic toxicity of her spores to contaminate massive numbers of enemies and spread her plague with indiscriminate fury. Saryn is an extremely strong warframe, arguably one of the best even. She specializes in extremely high, extremely consistent area damage. Notably, compared to almost all other frames who specialize in area damage, her abilities all work through walls. Spreading ruthlessly from enemy to enemy, Saryn's plague allows her to kill mass amounts of enemies faster and more efficiently than maybe any other warframe. On top of her impressive area damage, Saryn also has access to a massive weapon damage buff. Saryn is extremely strong, and with her starchart boss availability, i'd highly recommend Saryn to any player.

prerequisite: sedna unlocked

How to obtain: Farm the kela de thaym boss on sedna

Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

150 Circuits

1 Neural Sensors

300 Polymer Bundle

400 Salvage

1 Morphics

1000 Ferrite

50 Rubedo

1 Control Module

1 Morphics

550 Salvage

350 Plastids

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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