The Supersonic Punisher
Banshee weakens, disables, and staggers enemies using supersonic frequencies and sonar mastery. Banshee is a very strong utility frame. Though she has damaging abilities, their limited damage output makes it difficult to make an argument for their strength. Instead, the bulk of Banshee's strength comes from her ability to manipulate enemy behaviour, and scout out weakpoints. Notably, Banshee can completely disable all enemy abilities and attacks. This is so much more powerful than it sounds, and when facing more powerful enemies, can completely trivialize certain missions. Speaking of powerful enemies, Banshee's ability to scout and open weakpoints allows for some of the highest damage numbers seen in the whole game. Though less valuable at lower levels of gameplay, these massive damage values can instantly kill key targets at high levels. Needless to say, this is unbelievably strong. Though she is incredibly easy to take down, her high damage output and utility alone makes for a very useful warframe that will really resonate with certain people.
prerequisite: join a clan
How to obtain: sold at the tenno lab in your clan dojo

150 Circuits
1 Neural Sensors
200 Polymer Bundle
500 Salvage
1 Morphics
900 Ferrite
50 Rubedo
1 Control Module
1 Morphics
500 Salvage
400 Plastids
All Other Parts
1 Orokin Cell