The Cursed Captain
Sevagoth is the fallen captain of a deep space rescue team. Lost in the void, sevagoth was consumed by the creeping influence of the void and given ghastly powers. Sevagoth is a complicated warframe. Much like equinox, Sevagoth has two different forms he can swap between at will. Unlike Equinox however, both of these forms are worth using, and their many different abilities are worth understanding. This, combined with the raw complexity of his individual abilites, makes Sevagoth one of the most difficult warframes in the game to play. Additionally, both of these forms are modded separately, which can prove to be a massive headache to new players. Despite all this, Sevagoth is a very strong warframe who has access to massive utility abilities and catastrophic damage output. He is undeniably fragile, but has many tools to ensure that you wont be receiving any lethal damage. If his undeniably cool theme and visual design speaks to you, I would definitely reccomend pursuing Sevagoth, but be prepared for a steep learning curve. If this is too much for you, no worries, his role can be easily filled by many other warframes of equal power, so no worries about missing out on anything.
prerequisite: call of the tempestarii quest completed
How to obtain: call of the tempestarii quest

6 Neural Sensors
1200 Titanium
750 Rubedo
2750 Salvage
8 Morphics
650 Cryotic
2 Nullstones
3300 Alloy Plate
2 Argon Crystal
250 Oxium
15 Asterite
2950 Nano Spores
All Other Parts
3 Orokin Cell