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The Splashing Skater

Yareli skates stylishly through enemies with a fluidity only matched by the gracefulness of her elemental water power. Yareli is a strong warframe all around. With access to powerful damage reduction, large area enemy grouping, and high damage in a controlled area, Yareli can do it all. Unlike many other warframes, the vast majority of Yareli's damage comes from her weapons; more specifically, her secondary weapon. If using a pistol sounds enticing to you, Yareli is for you. Yareli is the quintessential secondary weapon warframe. Notably, when riding your hoverboard, you're forced into exclusively using your secondary weapon. With a sweeping array of damage buffs and bonuses for secondary weapons, this is far from a problem. Yareli is capable of massive damage, consistent crowd control, and reasonably high durability. The catch, however, is that you NEED to be riding around on your hoverboard. If hoverboard gameplay doesn't interest you, then I would steer clear of Yareli. But if flying around on a hoverboard sounds fun to you, I would highly recommend Yareli.

prerequisite: the waverider quest completed + join a clan

How to obtain: sold at the ventkids bashlab in your clan dojo

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2 Argon Crystal

150 Plastids

875 Salvage

10 Heart Noctrul

2 Tellurium

20 Venerdo Alloy

350 Circuits

1500 Nano Spores

2 Nitain Extract

350 Cryotic

5 Scrubber Exa Brain

1750 Alloy Plate

All Other Parts

3 Orokin Cell

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