The Haunted Nightmare
Revenant abuses his eidolon-infused nature to enthrall and eradicate his enemies with a sadistic efficiency. Revenant has been the most popular warframe in the game in recent years and for good reason. Revenant is one of the game's premier tank warframes. With access to true invincibility for an extended period of time, Revenant is almost completely unkillable. His other abilities are less notable than true invincibility, but are still powerful nonetheless. Revenant has access to strong area damage ability that emanates in a circle around him, an enemy controlling ability, and a short distance movement ability. These are obviously strong effects, but once again, true invincibility is the star of the show. If you are a new player looking for a tank warframe who will never die no matter what, you cant do any better than revenant. Combining all of this with his early availability makes him a very enticing warframe to pursue.
prerequisite: mask of the revenant
How to obtain: farm cetus bounties

3 Neural Sensors
15 Intact Sentient Core
6000 Polymer Bundle
2200 Rubedo
3 Morphics
10 Intact Sentient Core
1500 Rubedo
50 Iradite
3 Control Module
3 Cetus Wisp
8000 Salvage
3000 Polymer Bundle
All Other Parts
1 Orokin Cell