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The Restrained Monk

Baruuk is a pacifist pushed to his limits. Forced to sink to the depths of his enemies' ruthlessness and abandon his pacifism in favour of bloodshed. Baruuk is an extremely powerful damage frame, and has access to one of the strongest damage abilities in the game. His gameplay is focused around a meter called "restraint". Baruuk's restraint builds or falls depending on how he interacts with enemies. As youre building this meter, you will only have access to your first 3 abilities. Despite not having access to your most powerful ability, Baruuk is far from weak in this state. Namely because his first 3 abilities grant him a massive amount of durability and crowd control. When your restraint has finally reached its maximum, Baruuk snaps and is permitted to unleash his damage ability. This is a melee mode that projects massive long range energy blasts with exceptional damage. With all of these factors in mind, Baruuk is an excellent warframe that I would recommend to all players. 

prerequisite: vox solaris quest + rank 5 with solaris united + rank 3 with vox

How to obtain: sold by little duck in fortuna

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Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png
Screenshot 2025-01-28 183055_edited_edited.png

3 Sola Toroid

2850 Alloy Plate

50 Hespazym Alloy

5 Synathid Ecosynth

3 Vega Toroid 

3250 Salvage

100 Hespazym Alloy

5 Marquise Thyst

1 Calda Toroid

2500 Ferrite

10 Tromyzon Entroplasma

5 Radiant Zodian

All Other Parts

1 Orokin Cell

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