vehicles and companions
Vehicles and companions are 2 separated inventory options housed in the arsenal menu. They can gain xp and take mod setups separate from what is available to your warframes and weapons.
Notably, i’d suggest purchasing the “Taxon” companion blueprint from the market as a strong starting companion and crafting him as soon as possible. From his upgrade menu, you’ll see the array of mods available to your companion. Above all else, ensure that you equip the mod “VACUUM” for robot companions, or “FETCH” for animal companions. These are the most important mods in the game bar none, as they pull all nearby loot and resources to you.
​Speaking of animal companions: cats, dogs, and all other animal/animal adjacent companions have a whole menu dedicated to managing and hatching. This is the location of this menu:
Within this menu, there are a plethora of submenus to interact with the many systems tied in with animal companions. All of this is purely optional for now, and I wouldn't recommend interacting with this until the game explicitly directs you to. However, for later, here are the locations of the submenus: