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Reputation is one of the key progression systems in warframe allowing for the acquisition of important loot, and mandatory gameplay functions. Reputation is another form of xp that you can gain in specific locations and in slightly different ways. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


Reputation allows you to rank up with specific factions, going from rank 1 to 5. Each time you rank up, the reputation required for the next level will be increased, and you will unlock exclusive items. The main factions you will be concerned with as a new player are:






Ostron in cetus on earth

Solaris United in fortuna on venus

Entrati in The Necralisk on Deimos






These 3 factions, along with most other factions, are ranked up by completing bounties for these factions. These will be randomly generated quests with specific loot pools that award large amounts of reputation. 



















In order to rank these factions up, simply complete bounties until you've gotten the required progress, then select the rank up option 



















The maximum amount of reputation progress you can make in a day is determined by your account’s Mastery Rank. Starting at 16 000 a day at mastery rank 0, then increasing by an additional 500 per mastery rank past that point. 




















There are tons of factions to rank up in warframe that you’ll organically stumble onto, but by concerning yourself with the 3 starting factions listed above, you'll have a strong handle on how the systems function for the future. 

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