The codex is the largest and most extensive in-game tool for information, as well as being the launching point for accepting most quests in the game. It contains extremely useful information on lore, loot drops, enemies, warframes, and anything else you can think of. It is located right across from the market
You can browse the codex to get a sense for its many features, but the key one we’ll be going over is the quest tab
By opening this menu, you'll be able to see every quest available in the game, as well as some of their unlock conditions. When new quests become available, you will frequently be asked to go to the codex to accept them and begin the quest. Familiarize yourself with this menu as you'll be here frequently. Notably, you can see the intended order for the main quest chain by opening the "Main Quests" tab.
Unlocking information in the codex is requires the use of “codex scanners”, which are available in the market by searching for them under that name. These must be equipped on your gear wheel in your arsenal before they are usable in game.
Once equipped in the gear wheel, you can equip them in a mission by opening the gear wheel and selecting them. You’ll now be drawn into a first person perspective when trying to aim down sights.
If you hold this cursor over an enemy/box/terminal etc. and hold down your shoot button for roughly 2 seconds, you'll gain codex progress for that item. Once you’ve scanned the required amount of that item across the game (usually 5), you’ll unlock information for that item in the codex.