The market is a key store in warframe that holds almost every item in the game. Cosmetics, some resources, warframes, weapons, vehicles etc can all be purchased in the market. Some things in the market cost Warframe’s common currency “credits”, while others cost the premium currency “platinum”.
Credits come from every corner of the game and can be earned in mass quantities through just playing the game casually, while platinum needs to purchased or traded for.
You can explore the market on your own time and get a sense for the massive amount of things purchasable with platinum, but this tutorial will focus on the key things available with credits that can enhance your new player experience. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Notably, most weapons and warframe blueprints are obtainable through the market via credits. However, a choice few starter weapons are DIRECTLY purchasable using credits, bypassing any crafting time or resources.
In order to purchase a warframe or weapon blueprint, simply select the item you want, and select the “blueprint” option at the bottom. Hovering over this option will also display the resource requirements to craft it in the foundry afterwards.
Above I mentioned starter weapons that are instantly available using credits in the market. These weapons make for EXCELLENT early game mastery rank progress and i would highly recommend leveling them to 30. These weapons aren't particularly good, but they’re very worth getting for the mastery rank progress. These weapons are:
Mk1 paris
Mk1 strun
Mk1 furis
Mk1 kunai
Mk1 bo
Mk1 furax
Further, I would highly suggest purchasing the taxon blueprint from the market using credits as well. Everything else has blueprints that are available using credits with some exceptions for clan weapons.