The foundry is your main method of acquiring any and all things in Warframe. From new weapons, new warframes, new cosmetic helmets, new mining resources, new consumables, and on and on and on. Nearly everything comes from crafting in the foundry. The foundry is located here:
Every blueprint you craft in the foundry requires resources that can be obtained through playing the game. The resources required to craft the item can be seen by hovering over it in the foundry menu. Every single enemy you kill, every single object you destroy, and every single boss you topple will drop resources.
Specific enemies or specific planets across the game will drop materials that correspond to them. As a new player, most of the materials you will need for crafting will be obtained naturally as you progress through the starchart. If you don't have enough of a specific resource, looking up “warframe -insert resource-” will bring up the warframe wiki with all the information you need to reliably obtain the resource. To see what resources a planet drops, go to a planet on the navigation menu and press on this.
Every item you craft will have a wait time before it can be used. For example, you use all the resources required to craft the “atomos” pistol. Your resources are consumed, then a 12 hour timer is added to the weapon before it can be claimed. 12 hours pass, and you can claim the weapon and equip it.