The navigation menu is your ticket to actually playing the game and progressing through the story. It is located here
Upon opening the menu, you'll be met with a view of the solar system. This is called the starchart.
The starchart refers to the planets and all of the missions they hold on them. Here is the basic layout of a planet.
Each planet has a starting mission that you must complete in order to progress further through the planet. Each mission completed will unlock the next mission in the sequence. You can move on to the next planet when you unlock and complete the “junction” of that planet. Here is this laid out in a picture.
Each junction will have a small assortment of tasks that you need to complete before allowing you to proceed to the next planet.
Progressing through junctions in the starchart is the main method of progressing the game’s story and unlocking new quests. Completing planet missions and progressing through the junctions should be your number 1 priority when playing the game. If ever confused on what to do, carving a path through a planet and progressing your starchart is your best bet.
Beyond that, the navigation menu has this submenu in the top right.
This menu allows you to interact with important tasks and missions that are unrelated to progression through the planets. Most importantly, this menu is how you start all of your quests and progress their unique missions.