The Draconic Shifter
Chroma uses his draconic mastery of the 4 elements to bestow himself with massive damage buffs and extreme amounts of durability. Chroma is a fairly one note warframe, but he does perform that role exceptionally well. Chroma is notable for his consistent damage buffs, huge levels of damage reduction, and little else. Despite being exceedingly simple, Chroma is frequently very useful due to the sheer power of his buffs. Chroma is a fully weapon oriented warframe. His abilities fundamentally deal no damage, but rather, set you up for extremely high output from your weapon-oriented gameplay. Some people find Chroma extremely boring, and others are enamored with him. It's very difficult to determine where you lie on this scale without playing him, but if you're looking for a more ability-oriented style of gameplay, I would steer clear of Chroma. However, if you're okay with a highly weapon-focused style, Chroma is exceedingly good at this role.
prerequisite: the new strange quest completed + sedna unlocked + join a clan
How to obtain: pluto junction + uranus junction + neptune junction

200 Plastids
2 Neural Sensors
350 Polymer Bundle
Ember Neuroptics
2 Neurodes
900 Salvage
50 Plastids
Frost Chassis
400 Oxium
2 Argon Crystal
1 Neurodes
Saryn Systems
All Other Parts
Volt Neuroptics